Social Media

How to Use SEO, Social Media, and Email Marketing Together

Search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and email marketing work together and complement one another to increase your audience and sales, as well as positioning you as a leader in your industry. Many small businesses do not tap into the full potential of these marketing channels because they believe it’s too difficult, time-consuming, or expensive. Or maybe they just don’t know how. Here are some ideas on how to use SEO, social media, and email marketing together:

Be Everywhere

There are numerous social media channels, and each will have different effects on your audience and sales. Search engines (Google, Yahoo!, etc.) will also differ in the results they show depending on what you’re searching for. Owning a blog certainly helps with SEO. The key is to make sure that every platform complies with your brand’s message and tone of voice.


Monitoring is essential to keep track of posts related to you or your business across all social media channels, not just Twitter and Facebook. Set up keyword searches across major social networking sites, review boards, and other relevant websites where people discuss topics related to your business so that if someone mentions you or your business online, you can get in touch with them via email or direct message.

Be Active

If the goal of social media is to engage and interact with your customers, then it makes sense to be active on these channels. Share interesting links from around the web. Talk about what’s going on in your industry or a related topic that would interest people who may be interested in your products or services. Participate in dialogue where possible and respond to any questions or discussions that are relevant. Social media is more than just sharing information — it’s a conversation between brand and customer.


Email marketing automation is a huge time-saver! Use the technology to send targeted messages depending on actions customers take when visiting your website, adding products to their cart, visiting your blog, signing up for updates, or engaging on social media. This allows you customers to receive the information they want while saving you time in managing different email campaigns.

If you’re still having trouble visualizing how these three marketing channels work together, think of them as a triangle. Each corner supports one another and strengthens the interconnectivity between them. By avoiding these simple tactics, businesses are losing the opportunity to connect with more customers faster than ever before. Use SEO, social media and email marketing together, and watch your business flourish! To find out more, reach out to us here at SearchSEO Austin today!

Published by
Andrew Sansardo

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